Sunday, April 22, 2007

Trying to find time to practice....

We went to Rhode Island on Saturday to see our son, who lives near this picturesque beach. The weather was wonderful, but the traffic in the Newport area was hectic.

Revitalized by the trip nevertheless, I had a good 2-3 hour practice (Suzuki, cello choir, fiddle music) last night.

Today, we did more outdoor exploring in a nearby park, and I spent most of the rest of day and evening cleaning my office. It is very cluttered, as I have not given it a thorough cleaning in a while. I skipped the Sunday fiddle session. I always skip the Sunday fiddle session, as it is hard for me to find time on Sunday. Earlier in the day, I thought, well, better for me to spend the time practicing. But I haven't done it yet. But my lesson is tomorrow morning, so I will see if I can practice for 20 minutes or so. Better than nothing.

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